IWrestledABearOnce : New album tracklist

MT - 30/05/11 18:51

IWrestledABearOnce dévoile la tracklist de leur nouvel album Ruining It For Everybody qui sortira le 16 Juillet via Century Media.

IWrestledABearOnce unveiled the tracklist for their new album Ruining It For Everybody which will be released on July 16th through Century Media.

1. Next Visible Delicious
2. You Know That Ain’t Them Dogs’ Real Voices 
3. Deodorant Can’t Fix Ugly
4. This Head Music Makes My Eyes Rain
5. It Is “Bro” Isn’t It?
6. Gold Jacket, Green Jacket
7. Break It Down Camacho
8. Stay to the Right
9. I’m Gonna Shoot
10. Karate Nipples
11. Button It Up

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