Hawthorne Heights : New EP Details

MT - 11/08/11 11:16

Nous vous l’annoncions hier, Hawthorne Heights a quitté Wind-Up Records et sortira le 23 Août un nouvel EP sur son propre label Cardboard Empire. Le groupe dévoile à présent le nom de cet opus qui s’intitulera Hate ainsi que sa tracklist.

As we said yesterday, Hawthorne Heights have left Wind-Up Records and will release a new EP on August 23rd through their own label Cardboard Empire. The band just revealed the name of this EP which will be titled Hate, and the tracklist.

Tracklist :

1. There Was A Kid (Part 1)
2. Is This What You Wanted?
3. Divided
4. Hate
5. Wasted In NYC
6. Stay Awake/Stay Alive
7. Oceans
8. Four White Walls
9. Passengers

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